Write for us

What are we looking for? 

We are open to contributions that deal with socio-economic, legal, and politico-institutional analysis. Our content is published in various formats to cater to a diverse readership. 

  • Policy Briefs: Policy briefs are concise documents that provide a focused analysis of a specific policy issue, summarising the problem, context, and evidence-based recommendations. They aim to inform and influence policymakers by presenting complex information in an accessible format. Word limit: 1,500 – 3,000 words
  • Commentaries: Commentaries are opinion pieces by experts that provide critical analysis and viewpoints on current policy issues and trends, aiming to shape public debate and influence policy decisions with informed perspectives. Word limit: 800 – 1,500 words. 
  • Blog Posts: Blog posts are informal and accessible writings that discuss policy issues, share insights, and engage a broad audience, aiming to inform and stimulate discussion among the public, stakeholders, and policymakers. Word limit: 500 – 1,200 words.

Requirements: Conversational tone with references hyperlinked within the text; non-online sources should use Chicago Style endnotes.

Why write for PANJ?

By contributing to PANJ Foundation, you have the opportunity to:

  • Influence Policy: Your insights and research can directly impact policy decisions and reforms in Punjab.
  • Reach a wide audience: Your work will be shared with policymakers, academics, activists, and the general public who are interested in the development of Punjab.
  • Enhance Your Profile: Publishing with us can bolster your professional reputation and expand your network.

    How to submit?

    All submissions must be sent to info@panj.org.in. Please include the following in your email:

    • Subject Line: Format (Policy brief/commentary/blog post) and the tentative title of your work.
    • Introduction: A short introduction of the author.
    • Pitch or Draft: You can submit a pitch (up to 200 words) or a full draft. If submitting a pitch, articulate the central argument and its relevance to our readers. Include a few lines about your experience.

    What should you keep in mind?

    • Originality: We do not publish promotional pieces or articles without proper citations.
    • Expertise and Evidence: Demonstrate your knowledge with supporting research and relevant examples.
    • New Insights: Offer unique perspectives or new approaches to well-understood topics.
    • Relevance and Clarity: Explain how your insights can be applied in real-world situations. Ensure your writing is clear and structured.
    • Editorial Process: We retain final decision rights over headlines, blurbs, and publication dates. Disclose any relationships with organisations cited in your article.